Hey Shayla - Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍

071 - Keeping our Children Safe with a Child Sexual Abuse Detective

Season 2 Episode 71

071 - Keeping our Children Safe with a Child Sexual Abuse Detective. Online and IRL! @yamipence
Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 071

Guest: Yami Pence (https://instagram.com/yamipence) is a child safety educator and advocate, and former child sexual abuse & child sexual abuse material detective.

She teaches parents how to keep their kids safe in the real world and online. She educates on the reality of sharing our kids online and to real world tactics on how to best keep our kids safe.

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*Expecting and Empowered: Pregnancy and Postpartum workouts
*Iksplor: Wool base layer
*hypnobabies: hypnosis for labor and delivery

*LoveBug Probiotics: Pre and postnatal probiotics
*TushBaby: Great “Up-Down” Baby carrier

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