Hey Shayla - Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍
Hey Shayla - Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍
069 - Should you have another child? Why this mom stopped at 3
Should you have another child? Why this mom stopped at 3.
Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 069
Guest: @abbyrosegreen
Abby is a type A woman that loves nothing more than a finished to-do list and a tidy house. Which felt DOABLE until their second child joined the mix. All of the sudden she was overwhelmed, frustrated, and felt like she was just scraping by in every area of life.
Then her third was born with down syndrome and she not only became a mother of three but also an inclusion advocate and ally.
She spent 10 years working in a sales role until she slowly transitioned out and is is a business coach and Co-owner of @herselfpodcast
MOST RECENTLY she shared on Instagram that her husband got a vasectomy and why they chose to stop at three.
This decision is on SO MANY OF OUR MINDS that I had to have her on to talk about it!!
Thank you for listening to the Hey Shayla podcast! Here, we love to learn new things and decide what works for us and our family.. We're the moms that support instead of judge and know there are many ways to do something right. I'd love to connect on Instagram @heyshayla
Xo Shay
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Companies I work with and am an affiliate for
*Expecting and Empowered: Pregnancy and Postpartum workouts
*TushBaby: Great “Up-Down” Baby carrier
*Iksplor: Wool base layer
*hypnobabies: hypnosis for labor and delivery
*PlushBeds: NonToxic Mattress (no discount)