Hey Shayla - Judgement Free Motherhood πŸ˜…πŸ˜­πŸ˜

034 - BEST type of play for DEVELOPMENT with Occupational Therapist and Author of Balanced and Barefoot

β€’ Shayla Christine β€’ Episode 34

What type of outdoor play is most crucial for children? OT and Author of Balanced and Barefoot
Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 034
Guest:Author of Balanced and Barefoot Angela Hanscom OT

Thank you for listening to the Hey Shayla podcast!  Here, we love to learn new things and decide what works for us and our family.. We're the moms that support instead of judge and know there are many ways to do something right.  I'd love to connect on Instagram @heyshayla

I read (listened to) balanced and barefoot this summer and LOVED everything that it said. It encouraged us to get outside more, to let my daughter take the lead and to make sure she was moving in all sorts of ways to learn and understand her body more!
I asked the author of Balanced and Barefoot, Angela Hanscom, to be on my podcast and was even more blown away with the information she gives in this podcast!

Give yourself some distance to let them play, don’t direct all of their play let them practice using their imagination, and certain movements like spinning and being upside down are crucial for their development!

Angela, is an OT who moved her β€œoffice” outside to give her patients the full sensory experience.  She then started an outdoor program Timbernook (that is now  all over the US and New Zealand) where kids get to be and learn outside!

Xo Shay

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*Expecting and Empowered: Pregnancy and Postpartum workouts
LoveBug Probiotics: Pre and postnatal probiotics
My Little Eaters: Guide to Baby Led Weaning
Kindred Bravely: Maternity Sports Bra

Thank you for listening to the Hey Shayla podcast! Here, we love to learn new things and decide what works for us and our family.. We're the moms that support instead of judge and know there are many ways to do something right. I'd love to connect on Instagram @heyshayla

Xo Shay

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Companies I work with and am an affiliate for
*Expecting and Empowered: Pregnancy and Postpartum workouts
*TushBaby: Great β€œUp-Down” Baby carrier
Iksplor: Wool base layer
*hypnobabies: hypnosis for labor and delivery
PlushBeds: NonToxic Mattress (no discount)